Gasoline And Magic, the most comprehensive historic motorsport gallery in Europe contains more than 75.000 unique and never published before photos from the archives of Thomas Horat (, who collected amateur photos from the 30’s til the end of the 80’s. We suggest you use the five categories and filters to make your personal selection from the Golden Days of motorsports.
The images in Gasoline And Magic represent the favorites of our photographers and many collectors. However, they still represent only a very small sample of what we have available in our archives. So please inquire about other images, when you can’t find the right one.
If you need prints, please contact us by mail with The book „Gasoline and Magic“ with 288 pages is available here (CHF 68.00 + P&P) at
Please do not attempt to copy or publish any of these images, because they are protected and not for commercial use. We will consequently follow up copyright infringements by our lawyers and we hope that you accept this.
We do buy estates and collections and even better for us is, if photographers do lean or offer us their negatives and slides for free use. If you wish, then we gladly send you the digital files back. It would be very nice to hear from you.
Gasoline And Magic is part of the CLASSIC LIFESTYLE MEDIA GROUP GmbH in Essen. The group is running two daily magazines with collectorscarworld and GLORIOUS MOTORCYCLES.